Are you using transcripts for your podcast? Well, hold on! Before you copy and paste, let's talk about using them properly. In this episode of Your Podcast Consultant, Dave Jackson shares valuable insights on transforming your transcripts into...
In this podcast, Dave Jackson shares his thoughts on Chat GDP and AI, discussing how while the technology can do impressive things, it is still not ready to replace humans entirely. He talks about the difficulty of the AI to capture an individual’s personality and how VCRs, CDs, and other technolog…
In this podcast, Dave Jackson talks about how he was able to save himself over one thousand dollars by setting logical criteria while making purchasing decisions regarding podcasting equipment. He also shares his experiences with YouTube product reviews and how some of these reviews can be misleadi…
We mentioned in the last episode that advertising rates don't work for more podcasters trying to make a living with podcasting. Today we are looking at advertising from a different angle. That angle is to make an ad to run on other podcasts. After all...
I'm back from speaking at Podcast Movement in Dallas. I shared a presentation, and here are some of the main points. 1. Never let anyone get between you and your podcast, web host, media host, etc. If you're "Podcast Manager" set up your hosting with...
Think of it Like a Store Front One of my hobbies is music. I remember as a young child going into or walking by a music store, and there were a few different guitars in the front window and I was like, Wow, look at those guitars! Those are awesome....
ID3 tags were much more important back in 2005ish. All the portable media players and tools used ID3 tags. What is an ID3 Tag? An ID3 tags is information stored inside your mp3 file. You can't see them, but some (few) apps use this...
A libsyn slug is something you will be asked for when you sign up at ( Libsyn is short for Liberated Syndication - they are the largest podcast media hosting company). You can get a free month when you sign up using the coupon code...
There are two places you can put artwork for your podcast. One is for the show, and the other is for the episode. There are two views in Apple podcasts. One I will call the "Store view" (which is the view you are using when you search for something)....
If you are going to be interviewing people in the same room, or if you have a co-host in the same room - you HAVE to pretend your Oprah. YOU GET A MICROPHONE - YOU GET A MICROPHONE -EVERYBODY GETS A MICROPHONE. If you don't get that, here is the clip...
You are looking for places to be interviewed, or you're looking for guests for your show. Today we talk about a few. Some of these resources will charge between $400-$1000 per month (hundreds of dollars per episode). There are events that again cost...
Avoid The Phone if Possible Unless it is your only option, you want to avoid using an actual phone line as it will sound like, well, the phone (it cuts some of the clarity out and the bass). If you have people who will only use a phone you can get a...
Smart speakers are getting more and more popular, but for the most part podcast listening is not the MAIN thing that people are using their devices (like the Amazon Dot, or Echo) for (and we can include the Google Home). There are companies that...
If you look at other people in entertainment: Musicians Actors Athletes They all have some sort of “pre-seasons, or “Dress Rehearsal” to work out the kinks and your podcast should follow their example. I am going to Podcast Movement next week...
I'm often confused by this question, someone will come up to me and say, Hey, Dave, there are these different places where I should list my podcast. Should I list my show in (insert directory name)? My answer is, well, let's see, it's free and it will...