This is a quick segment from the Ask the Podcast Coach with Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting, Jim Collison from, and Bill Hutchison from Software is for Windows at
Here is a compilation of many people I've interviewed over the years. We will be back soon with more episodes.
I've tried and I see where pippa has built-in transcription, but how accurate are these? I'm finding that the time I spend fixing the errors I could spend that time typing the show notes and save the time waiting for transcription. There are services that have HUMANS trascribe your…
Dave Jackson and Erik K Johnson Review Amidlife Traveler
Here is there operating agreement
MOther's Day is Tomorrow 2:30 SHould You Podcast Angry? 8:30 The Seven Dirty Words 11:15 Distorted View Daily 15:15 Should I upload in Mono or Stereo 20:40 Microphone Technique 22:44 29:48 Thanks to our Awesome Supporters 30:36 Google Search 33:48 Transcription dave has been using 40:00 Why… is where you can get your podcast reviewed. Please note we don't pay attention to the chat while we are live, but we welcome you to watch.
See to participate live or dial 330-294-9393
On episode 614 of the School of Podcasting we talk about the questions that every new podcast should answer before pressing record. 1. Why 2. How will gauge the success of the show 3. What will you give up? Go to
If you are trying to upload a file and you get an error saying you are out of room, you may be uploading the wrong file, or your file may be too big. Here is how to check. Learn how to podcast at
Dave Jackson from and Erik K Johnson from
I get this question all the time, "How long should my podcast be?" There are all sorts of theories (especially around 20 Minutes)
Your artwork needs to be at least 1400 X 1400 and can be as big as 3000 X 3000 as long as the file size is less than 500 kb. In this tutorial we have a square image but its too small. I use a free online tool to make…
You need a square image for Apple Podcass. Sometimes the logo you have is not. While it's not ideal, you can increase the canvas size and center the image so the canvas is square, when the image is not.
Your artwork needs to be at least 1400 X 1400 and can't be over 3000 X 3000 while the file size needs to be 500 kb or less.
You can now enable the Amazon School of Podcasting skill on your Alexa enabled device. See
Today I show another company, that appears to be clueless about podcasting, yet is willing to take your money. Join the School of Podcasting today at
This tutorial shows you how to get your link from Spotify. You can get your show in Spotify when you are hosted at use the coupon code sopfree to get a free month at
I love this tool. If you have more than one website, you MUST use this tool. I go in every few days and there is always some maintenance, and this makes it super easy and I only pay for the features I want.
If you decide to use a company that MAY help you get a sponsor, you need to understand how much trust you are putting into their system. if they have an issue NONE of your file will be able to be played/downloaded. So you may want to think twice about…
Dave Jackso and Erik K Johnson take a listen to the Jeep Talk Show and share what they are doing right, and what they need tweaked