Podcast Not Growing?
May 1, 2021

What You Need to Know About Batch Recording Your Podcast

What You Need to Know About Batch Recording Your Podcast

Back in episode 90 I talked about some of the really bad advice for new podcasters that I see in Facebook groups and today I want to talk about batch recording and when it's OK to do it, and what are the negative side effects.  WHAT IS...

Back in episode 90 I talked about some of the really bad advice for new podcasters that I see in Facebook groups and today I want to talk about batch recording and when it's OK to do it, and what are the negative side effects. 


Batch recording is when you record a bunch of episodes in one sitting. For example, if you do a show that publishes Monday through Friday, you might record five shows on Saturday. Then set them to release over the next week. 


When you batch record, you have one day where you can focus and "pound out" your podcast and take the test of the week to either promote those episodes, research more episodes, etc. You have the rest of the week "free." 

The other nice thing about having a few unreleased episodes is when life happens, you have an episode to publish and keep your schedule. Having unreleased episodes can reduce some of the stress of always being on the hunt for new episodes. 


So I was in a Facebook group and someone said when you launch you should record 10 episodes ahead of time and then schedule your big launch. 

I will say this again, having a BIG launch and thinking it will deliver unending success is like saying having a BIG wedding will deliver bliss and happiness. In both cases, the work is still starting. 


I had a client once that came to who had already recorded 52 episodes of his weekly podcast. There was one large problem. The files were in the wrong format. He had no way to go back and redo them. He had to go back and re-record them. 

If you have not found a stranger who is your target audience to listen to your show and give you honest feedback, then recording a bunch of episodes is not a good idea. 

In the business world, this is called "Proof of Concept." Before you go "all in" on a product you want to make sure your intended audience needs that product and likes the one you created. 

What if you record 10 episodes and they all have the "Lightning Round" segment, and after the first two episodes are release you get feedback that the lightning round is really annoying? You have eight more episodes with a lightning round coming down your feed in the future unless you go back and edit them. 

So I would never batch record a large number of episodes when you first launch until you know you are delivering what your audience wants. 

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Mentioned In This Episode

Episode 90 - Don't Throw Away Your Audience

Podcast Editing Service - Let My Team Edit Your Show

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