A libsyn slug is something you will be asked for when you sign up at Libsyn.com ( Libsyn is short for Liberated Syndication - they are the largest podcast media hosting company). You can get a free month when you sign up using the coupon code...
A libsyn slug is something you will be asked for when you sign up at Libsyn.com ( Libsyn is short for Liberated Syndication - they are the largest podcast media hosting company). You can get a free month when you sign up using the coupon code sopfree.
The libsyn slug is used as an ID for your Libsyn account. If you open a support ticket all you have to do is provide your slug and the support team can look up your account information. It is also used in the URL of your libsyn podcast page. For example, my slug is podcastconsultant. My Libsyn podcast page is http://podcastconsultant.libsyn.com/website (I don't use that page, I use this page which uses WordPress, hosted at coolerwebsites.com
It is also used in your feed. The feed for this show is https://podcastsconsultant.libsyn.com/rss
Lastly, it's used in the URL of your MP3 file. Last weeks file is https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/podcastconsultant/ypc071-joerogan.mp3
As we just stated the slug is used in your libsyn podcast page, your feed, and every mp3 file. If you change your slug - you break everything.
Just so you are 100% clear on the consequences.
1. All your episodes will need to be fixed as the url to the mp3 will change. So whatever websites have the episodes will need to be redone for every single episode.
2. If you used the Libsyn podcast page anything linking to that page will need to be updated.
3. Your RSS feed will change, so your iTunes will be looking at a dead feed (with no way to update your previous subscribers) so you lose ALL reviews and ALL of your subscribers.
You will be starting from scratch.
If you haven't submitted your show to any directories there really aren't that many consequences. You do need to contact Libsyn support.
If you've already submitted your show to directories, here is a quick test.
Think of your favorite podcast. Got one?
Now tell me their feed.
Me Neither.
In my opinion its not worth going back to square one.
Is your podcast LAUNCHED but not growing as fast as you want? CLICK HERE to ignite your passion!
A good place to start