Podcast Not Growing?

Reviews and Dunn - Podcast Rodeo Show

Full show notes at https://www.podcastrodeoshow.com/391
The intro was pretty bad, but kudos for trying something different. You seem to have an identity crisis. Your Appel description mentioned hip hop, but the episode you sent me was a movie review.

I liked your conversational style (but your questions could be tightened up). Your audio is just barely OK (lots of room noise and mic holding sounds). Maybe add WHY I should listen to you? There are tons of movie review podcasts, what makes yours different?

The episode needs editing, "Let's get right to it" and about 15 UMS from your guest would make this sound right. You started off with a yes/no question (which are generally not great to use in interviews)

Not sure who had the dog barking. If you have two separate tracks you might've been able to eliminate that.

There are editors for books, newspapers, magazines, tv, and movies... not sure why you feel your podcast doesn't need one.

I would buy a domain (see www.coolerwebsites.com) and point it at your anchor site (if you stay with Anchor - they take over control of your show). Check out Libsyn.com and use the coupon sopfree.

Tips on interviews: see

You seem to be headed in the right direction. With some editing and better audio quality, this could be a good show.

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