Podcast Not Growing?


If you are struggling to get your podcast going. If you're thinking, "Nobody will want to listen to me," you are not alone in these thoughts (and you're wrong). Listen to these episodes to find out.
Jan. 2, 2023

Impostor Syndrome - Celebrity Edition

The negatives voices in your head tell you, "Nobody will listen to you" or "You're going to sound stupid." Well I'm here to tell you "Imposter Syndrome" is common. Seventy percent of people feel this way. Today I'm going to share a few A-list...

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Aug. 15, 2021

How Do I Get Rid of Impostor Syndrome? Part 2

Today we continue our discussion of Imposter Syndrome and feeling "We're not worthy!" Here are some strategies: You are not defined by your mistakes. The “I must not fail mentality” can be crippling. There is one person who really needs your...

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Aug. 1, 2021

How Do I Get Rid of Impostor Syndrome? Part 1

70% of people have impostor syndrome. This is where you feel you are a fraud. You have opportunities that land in your lap and you feel underqualified. You feel it's just a matter of time until you are found out.  This results in crippling fear...

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