Podcast Not Growing?


Jan. 1, 2023

Growing Your Podcast With Advertising On Other Podcasts

We mentioned in the last episode that advertising rates don't work for more podcasters trying to make a living with podcasting. Today we are looking at advertising from a different angle. That angle is to make an ad to run on other podcasts. After all...

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Dec. 15, 2021

Should I Charge My Guest to Appear on My Podcast?

With some bigger shows able to charge a gust to appear on their shows, today I'm going to share why I think this is a bad idea. 1. You need to disclose that the guest is paying you to appear turning your podcast into an infomercial. 2. At first this...

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Dec. 15, 2020

Should I Join a Podcast Network?

Be careful who you hitch your show to.

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March 25, 2020

Three Reasons Radio DJs Should Have Their Own Podcast

Today I play a portion of a conversation I had with Erik K Johnson who is the , as well as a co-host with me on the . I asked Erik (who is a program director for iHear) verifies my idea on Radio Personalities/DJs creating podcasts to boost their own...

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Nov. 27, 2019

Making 60,000 From Patreon

From the website, you can expect 5% of your audience to join your crowdfunding campaign. The average patronage is $7/month. If you want to make $60,000 (take home) you need to make $98,192 gross income. This means you need 1169 patrons.  To have...

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July 10, 2019

The Most Successful Podcasts Do This With Their Ho-Hosts

You've decided that you want to do a podcast with a co-host. That's great. Some people feel having a co-host makes podcasting easier because it's not just you talking into a wall. But there are some things you might want to think consider. Number one,...

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Feb. 27, 2019

Money First Leads to Finishing Last

I work for Libsyn.com ( the oldest, largest podcast media hosting company - get a free month using the coupon code sopfree). I received this email today I am starting a podcast with a few friends and we are currently looking at different hosting sites...

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Nov. 28, 2018

Why Should I Start a Podcast

Have you ever wondered if you should start a podcast? I've asked my audience and clients this question, "Because of my podcast _______" and today you will hear how: Their networks have grown Reaching a global audience They are getting free stuff They...

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